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About Crowd Funding


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Many readers first visit the Crowdfunding Press Center to learn more about the booming crowdfunding industry and try to get a handle on how to select the best crowdfunding  website to launch a fundraising campaign and learn what it takes to plan a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Launching a crowdfunding campaign is nothing more than a fancy way to describe a typical product/service marketing launch. The only real difference between a crowdfunding campaign and an old-fashioned product marketing/PR launch is the time period for collecting money.

In the past, companies have created new products, built company websites and used marketing, advertising, social networks and PR campaigns to raise awareness among the correct target audience to entice new/existing customers to buy their product or service.

eCommerce or the process of collecting money online is nothing new.  Collecting money or pre-selling a product/service, however, is a totally new concept and seems to be working very well.  Marketers love it because they can actually test demand for a product or service prior to investing a lot of time, effort and money to bring a product to market.

If a crowdfunding campaigns fails, entrepreneurs will actually save a lot of money that would have been invested in a new business that probably would have failed in a couple of years.  If the crowdfunding campaign is a successful and you raise several million dollars, you can bet that venture capitalists and angel investors will be very interested in buying equity stock the old fashioned way.

The one question that everyone wants to get answered is what is the best crowdfunding website to utilize when launching a fundraising campaign.  The answer is simple.  Like advertising or generating publicity in any communications medium, the most important question to answer is who is the desired target audience of donors and what kind of demographics/psychographics can be utilized to create effective marketing messages to convince the masses to donate money to your cause, creative project or new business idea.

Once the target audience has been identified it is easy to target media usage patterns to find the right mix of media outlets needed to achieve both reach and frequency to reach the correct target audience with the perfect message for the lowest cost -per-thousand (CPM). This is how marketeers have been conducting marketing campaigns for almost a century.

In today’s world, reach and frequency is tied directly to search engine optimization (SEO) and social networks along with traditional media outlets.

To help marketing/PR executives as well as crowdfunding campaign managers discover this type of information, we have analyzed what we consider to be the top 100 crowdfunding sites worldwide.  We ranked crowdfunding websites by their global website traffic as well as numerous other analytics including traffic stats, search analytics, audience readership, reviews, backlinks and upstream/downstream websites generating traffic.

It will not take long before media reps, media outlets and website auditing companies jump into crowdfunding market to start providing in-depth research reports, crowdfunding website audit statements and other readership studies that detail their website’s ability to reach the desired pool of investors/donors via their crowdfunding platform or website.








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